Overnight Cellular Recharge BioHealing Session | Butler, PA
Butler, PA
Please call (724) 431-0033 or email pa-butler@TeslaBioHealing.com for more info. Check-in time: 3pm to 11pm
Overnight Cellular Recharge Tesla BioHealing Session:
Check-in time for overnight sessions is 3pm to 11pm and checkout time is 12pm. Overnight sessions can be booked consecutively for those wanting to spend more than one night at our Tesla BioHealing Center. For multiple night bookings, you will have full access to your room until the end of your stay, just like you would be staying at a hotel. In fact, you can consider this a Life Force Energy filled hotel stay! You will have your own room and shower, access to laundry amenities, and a hotel environment to relax and enjoy while experiencing the remarkable benefits of Tesla BioHealing.
Please bring what you would normally bring with you while staying at a hotel. We provide clean fresh linens, and each room is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after your stay.
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